The project Leifur Arnar aims to...


... reducing food and packaging waste in restaurants by implementing the Leifur Arnar packaging system. Customers can take their leftovers home in paper packaging, which can be sorted with organic waste if they cannot be cleaned and recycled as paper. This also applies to food that's picked up from restaurants (take-away). 

... Establish an incentive system to ensure that restaurants operate in accordance with the climate triad:

1. Reduce food waste with the Leif Arnar system

2. Gather and return all used frying oil to biodiesel production 

3. All organic waste is composted


Visibility of Leifur Arnar


1. Leifur Arnars's logo and information about the system can be found at the restaurant. 


2. There is information on the tables or at the counter of the restaurant encouraging customers to take their leftover food home with them. It is also stated that the food packaging is made of cardboard and can thus be sorted with cardboard or composted directly.


3. When the servers clear the plates from the customers' tables, they should ask if they want to take the leftovers home with them.